


gold # 1Have a mentor/coach in your corner at all times – Having a mentor or coach that can keep you accountable, help you stay on task, and steering you in the right direction is priceless. More importantly the benefits can help you professionally and in your personal life. You can gain more clarity and confidence, improve decision-making, execute better communication, and of course, have a positive attitude towards a better you.

shutterstock_85428637_gold#2Create a plan and execute it NOW – Set step by step achievable goals for your business. Break down each step so that you are not scattered and nothing gets done. Do research that is targeted around the lifestyle that you want to create. Start with the end in mind, set small 90 day goals, and create a calendar that breakdown each step with the due date written out. Have your calendar where you can see it daily, check off each task that is complete so that you can visually see your accomplishments.

shutterstock_85428637_gold #3Invest in yourself – I have always invested in myself, learning is the most valuable way to turn what you learn into teaching. Upon my research education is becoming a $1 trillion industry, which includes alternative education and professional development. Mix that with the internet marketing industry which is a billion dollar industry that you can learn to how to run an international business, there is enough of the pie to make an online business successful.

shutterstock_85428637_gold 4Be consistent and change will happen – A good practice that I use that can help, is to practice something for at least 30 days, this could be saying your mantra daily, a goal that you want to achieve, or a change you want to happen. You can track the progress you are making by keeping a journal and actually documenting what changes are happening and it makes it so much easier to go back and read your challenges and success stories. All in all practice, be consistent, and embrace the changes.

shutterstock_85428637_gold 5Don’t reinvent the wheel – Surround yourself with people that you can learn, do what other success people are doing. Don’t listen to people that are not within the same level of success as you strive to be. It’s hard to move on and change your own mindset, you don’t want to hear the negative thoughts of others that are looking in and giving their opinion.